Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Have You Ever Felt?

Have you ever felt that you had so many things to do and so many options in front of you that its the most stranded you have felt all your life??

Friday, March 02, 2007

Business101 - for Software Geeks

I was at the Web2.0 conference in Bangalore and overheard a "uber-Geek" declaring... "This technology is awesomely cool... I dont care if it can do any good to business". I have been thinking about it for a while now. A thought hit me while i was driving today...

I have seen Geeks who consider technology as the "Be All and End All of Life". Technology is great, but only if it serves a purpose, which most often is business driven. But these geeks have a hard time digesting the whole concept of "Business". So here's my Business101 for Software Geeks, in their own language...
Business is the Framework
Technology the API... and
Management the Rendering Engine

Just a personal view... I know a lot of people will disagree and might think i'm too young to put forth these. But here's how I see it...

Business is the Framework within which all Technology and Management has to function. Any change in the framework will need considerable changes (possibly) in the API and also in the way it is rendered. Its the king which rules all and binds it all together.

Technology is the API... Without him the framework is redundant.

Management is the Rendering, putting into perspective what the APIs hav defined and the way it is used. It is the one that helps in finding the flaw in the flow. A kind of a high level QA infrastructure.

But just as in the Software Realm, They are all inter-dependent. Advancement in one forces the others to change. Innovation is possible at all the 3 levels, essentially taking the Business to greater heights of achievement.

I really want to hear what you think about this :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Can God open source relationships??

Just a thought...
Can God open source relationships??
Or atleast provide Tech Support !!

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Loneliness is actually a way of loaning time for yourself. A chance to go in retrospect and introspect about the person that is you. Your priorities, your passions, your possesions & your life itself...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007 = rand()

(A Screensaver i happened to come across)

The "Walk of Life" is always uncertain. You may chalk your path, but detours are always a FOL (Fact Of Life). How much ever you might plan to make your life toe a line, it always has a certain degree of uncertanity. And I personally believe this is what makes life exciting. This incident was one "geeky" reminder of that fact.